Juliana KanyomoziJuliana Kanyomozi

Juliana Kanyomozi, a singer, and now YouTuber has stated that her Facebook profile was hacked.

Juliana took it to her Instagram account after realising she was no longer in control of her 1.2M followers page and reminded her followers that she is not in command of what is being put on it and that the public should ignore and dismiss anything posted on it.

“Good morning fans and friends. My Facebook page Juliana Kanyomozi* has been hacked. Currently I’m not in charge of what is being posted there. I’m working with my team towards regaining control of my page. At the moment ignore and disregard anything posted there. Thank you.” Juliana posted on her Instagram.

Several artists’ accounts have been hacked before say Bruon K, Pallaso, Fik Fameica, Mc Kats and now Juliana follows suit.

Meanwhile, on the hacked account the hackers went live with a 24-hr countdown, and as of now their intentions aren’t clear, but it should be noted that acts of cybercrimes that involve hacking are on the rise.

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