Thank God Lyrics by Vinka

It’s Vinka
Swangz Avenue

Tonight, we’ll be singing oh na na
Celebration more fire
Oba olina omukyala oba olina omwana
Life is so sweet hosanna
So Deejay make the people thank God
Eri omuto oyo n’omufumbo
Now kingdom party people thank God
Kama uchezi ka kando
So Deejay make the people thank God
Eri omuto oyo n’omufumbo
Now kingdom party people thank God
Kama uchezi ka kando

Aah ah thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
When you come to the night party thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
Aah ah thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
When you move your body thank God

Make a wish and Jah will make it happen
Make a wish and Jah will make it happen again
Eeh eh eh eh eh
So when you move your body
Baby get ready, get ready
So when you move your body
Baby get ready, get ready
Now Deejay make the people thank God
Eri omuto oyo n’omufumbo
Now kingdom party people thank God
Kama uchezi ka kando
So Deejay make the people thank God
Eri omuto oyo n’omufumbo
Now kingdom party people thank God
Kama uchezi ka kando

Aah ah thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
When you come to the night party thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
Aah ah thank God
Uh yeah, take it down, take it down
When you move your body thank God

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